Garda Vetting

As of April 4th, 2022, the GAA have changed the Garda Vetting process and all Vetting applications must now be done through the GAA Foireann platform.

You will find further information and details as well as the latest process on the GAA website at

In line with best practice in the recruitment and selection of persons to work with children, all Ballinora GAA coaches and mentors are Garda vetted and are required to attend a child protection workshop.

To get garda vetted please follow the following process:

Note: It is recommended to use the Chrome browser on your laptop/desktop


How to apply for Vetting in the Gaelic Games Association

Step 1 Logging in to Foireann

Log into your account on Foireann or create an account on Foireann
Please click on hyperlink for step by step guidance on how to apply for vetting on Foireann.

Step 2 Gaelic Games Vetting Invitation Form

Once logged into your account on Foireann please click on the Qualifications and Vetting tab and then click Apply to be Vetted. Please ensure your current details on your profile are correct. Please then select your Club and or Association you wish to be vetted for and the role you are applying for

It is now a requirement to upload a copy or screenshot of your Photo ID (passport or drivers’ licence) and a proof of your current address in the form of a Utility Bill (no more than 6 months old). You are also required to print and sign the Gaelic Game Vetting ID Validation Form and upload this a part of your vetting application. The full list of documents which are accepted for verification can be found here.

Your Club Children’s Officer will then check your ID Documentation and your signed Gaelic Games Vetting ID Validation Form. If the documents are correct your application will be validated by your Club Children’s Officer and submitted to the GAA. If the documents are not correct your Club Children’s Officer will reject your application and you will be required to upload the correct documentation.

Step 3 Completing the National Vetting Bureau EVetting Application form

Once you complete the Gaelic Games Invitation Form the information provided is forwarded to the NVB by the GAA and you will receive an on-line NVB Vetting Form to complete.

The NVB will issue you with the NVB Vetting Application form. This will be issued to the email address you provided in your Gaelic Games Invitation Form.

Completing this form is a confidential matter between you and the NVB. All sections of the form including current and previous addresses, email address and contact telephone numbers, information on convictions and prosecutions (if any), plus other information will be required when completing the form.

Once all sections of the form have been answered this then completes your application process for EVetting in the GAA and within a short period of time you shall be contacted by the GAA to informing you as to the outcome of the vetting application.


Primary Contacts re. Vetting

Childrens Officer: Barbara McSweeney; eMail:

GAA Website: